"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah." Psalm 60:4
The printed Poster is a great way to reach many people at minimal cost (we have some designs that we can send you for free - click here to order yours).
A poster can be much like the front of a Gospel tract, but it will probably reach more eyes than one tract does.
A poster is a great talking point for the beginning of a witness encounter. I personally struggle the most to break the ice with people. But if you point at a poster, you can simply ask, "what do you think about that?" - people love to share their opinions.
"We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the Lord fulfil all thy petitions." Psalm 20:5.
Where you could use a printed evangelism poster
Back in 2020 during the COVID 19 lockdown, I ventured out for a walk with my daughter. It really struck me how many houses were displaying rainbow posters in tribute to the NHS. It led my mind to wonder how many other images we display at the front of our properties - Security stickers, political party signs, for sale signs, advertising a business, advertising a local market or event, Christmas decorations etc etc. BUT, how many of us are willing to advertise and promote the Word of God and that we trust in the Lord Jesus??!
So as a direct result, I produced two poster designs and started giving them away. Over 300 households have received these posters (stopped counting a long time ago). I also put together some videos about how to reach many during the lockdown and how you could use the free posters to reach more people. You can read that here: click here
With that in mind, here are some places / uses for printed evangelism posters:
Inside the Home
Somebody once said this "Nobody visits me without seeing a verse - even if they don't want to discuss the Lord."
I think that is a great mindset.
So why not frame a poster and place it in your home. Any visitors can see these - friends or relatives, utility workers or a tradesperson. Do visitors use your toilet? Great place for people to stop and consider eternal things.
"these words, which I command thee this day..... thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates." Deuteronomy 6:6,9
On the Face of your home or in your window
What do all these people have in common?
Postal workers
Bin men
Lorry drivers
Deliverers of Takeaway
Door to door Charity workers
Supermarket deliverers
Newspaper deliverers
Leaflet distributors
Water board workers
Bus passengers
People on their way to work
School children
Your relatives
Relatives of neighbours
Friends of neighbours
Bus drivers
Random visitors of neighbours
Trade people
The Police
Your friends
Estate agents
Jehovah witnesses
Emergency workers
Telecom workers
Road workers
Taxi drivers
Dog walkers
The answer: Some, or perhaps all of these, Day in, day out, may walk past your house / a poster (if you display it in your window).
Why not prayerfully place a poster in your window?
A brother purchased several of his own design ideas from us (A3 posters) and now rotates them in his window - so there is a different design each week.
He had this to say about our services:
"Friendly company with speedy response times, very accommodating with designs, offering professional help and advice if and when needed. Fast delivery within just a few days of ordering with an update sent on the time and day delivery was due. Very pleased and will definitely be designing and ordering more posters for my window display!"
Giving us 5/5 for Value, Service and Quality.
Why not compliment such with a weather proof Gospel tract holder, prayer box or even snap frames with posters on your fence? - talk to us if you would like some of these and we can provide you with a quote.
Notice boards within churches or work place / office.
As many of our meetings during COVID-19 lockdowns resorted to online video calling. Why not ensure your next meeting is held in a place where the ones tuning in can view an evangelistic poster on the wall behind you?
Another good place for an evangelistic poster could be in the church window, or in the entrance porch of the church itself. Some of our customers have several different posters on the walls of their church buildings - speaking to the reader when the preacher is not.
Outside church notice boards - we can print large posters.
A great way to reach many and encourage them to come along to a service or event. We can print you many different sizes - from A7 right up to A0 and beyond.
In street work -
Planning an outreach with other Christians? Why not take a poster board (we can quote you a price on these) to stand against a wall or area where you will be working from? (Most our customers go for an A1 size)
These are great for breaking the ice with people nearby "What do you think about that?" They also speak within a person, when nobody else does. I have also heard one stranger turn to another and say what it reads. Who knows how many conversations can happen that day as a result!
Want your own evangelism poster designed?
If you are looking to have your own design produced, we can supply high quality images as well as text design (or you could provide your own) - contact us for a quote for design and print.
The right poster design placed in the right location should attract many readers in a culture that is so largely image driven.
Look around for inspiration. Research what posters exist that have worked well for others. Look for how others evangelise through such media. Think about posters you have seen in the past that have caught your eye. Ask others what posters they remember.
For responses / follow up from a poster, you could use a forwarding phone number: If you move house/premises or you lose your mobile, consider an 0800 or 0845 number - or a virtual landline area number (talk to us about how you can get one of these numbers). You can simply forward the call to any number of your choice with one of these. You could offer a QR code – talk to us and we can help with this.
A call to action. Want the reader to take the next step? You could add wording before your contact information. Such as "Let's talk" or, "What do you think?"
Keep things simple. Too much information may put them off reading altogether. If you have a featured Bible text, does it need context to make real sense? If so, maybe choose something different.
Plan what you will do with the poster(s) before placing an order with us. Research the footfall and types of people that will see the poster. Talk with us about your ideas. A spider diagram could help you brainstorm more ideas to reach more people.
Take it one step further
"consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works" Hebrews 10:24
Don't forget to encourage other Christians to use these too! - Show them how easy posters are to use, or share with them a story of how you have used them. Tell them they can request them free through the detail on each tract or poster we produce. Point them to this article to show them how useful posters are and where they could place them.
A brother who has displayed these in his home has described how he was able to give a Bible to a neighbour who would walk past and read the posters. When you put them in your window, watch out for how many people will read them. You will be suprised!
Why not speak with your pastor too to see if he might encourage folks in this work?
Remember to pray about them before displaying them and during, that you might have opporunities for conversation from them. That the Lord might prepare hearts to read them and work in them and their household.
Can you think of anything to add to this article? Contact us with your stories and ideas.
For His Glory,
- Nigel