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The humble letterbox

Writer's picture: Nigel WilliamsNigel Williams

The home, in the last couple of years, has become a place where people have occupied more than ever. With much by way of shopping being carried out online and those who would once of ventured to an office - are now working there. For some, the working from home is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

So, what does every home have that we can use to make Christ known? The humble letterbox.

I hope to bring together some ideas here, that will help and encourage you to combine print and the letterbox as an effective tool for evangelism.

Your own letterbox. 

If you, like most of us, have a letterbox, then you have a blank canvas for evangelism. You can place a laminated Bible verse, or advert for a free Bible (or both!).

Here are some examples:

Where I have seen these as useful.

An Asda delivery man shared he is a Christian - we had a wonderful conversation.

A person who came to fix the telegraph pole knocked at the door in the same way.

Several salesman ask for a Bible, as well as a random passer by.

But whatever the sign, it can speak to most people that come to your door.

From the inside of your letterbox

With each Free Gospel tract request, we offer a free letterbox sticker for the inside of your house. This contains a message to remind you to take tracts with you when you leave the house (as well as our details for you to order again). You could instead place a scripture on the letterbox that is helpful to you for when you leave the house. Here is what our free sticker looks like:

Other people's letterboxes

Note: in the USA, it is illegal to place tracts through letterboxes. 

"daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." Acts 5:42

Remember to pray about such work, as it often can make us fearful - God can give you strength and help in all situations.

How many do you pass when you go out? We have had Bible requests because someone has taken the time to place a tract through a door. We have had emails from people too. We have even had someone request tracts as a result. Some of those people have ordered 10s of thousands of tracts. One zealous person of recent, requested the printing of over 80,000 tracts to reach their area. Not long after, as a direct result, another Christian contacted us for some 20,000+ (including printed personal testimonies). All because one person started putting them through doors.

Why not set yourself a goal? If you walk past houses in your every day activities, make a point of dropping 5 tracts each time (make note of the house you have done already).

Why not aim to do the streets in your surrounding area? If you have children, it is a great opportunity to take one with you to help.

A great idea would be to have your church contact details on every tract (I know pastors who have people come to churches, or tune in to their online meetings as a direct result). We can print tracts (as well as a range of other items, such as personal testimonies, event flyers, posters) especially to contain your church contact details.

What about houses that have a sign "no junk mail" or "mail only"?

From experience, some times people can respond in many different ways when putting tracts through doors. Some can be very welcoming and good conversations come as a result (or as often the case, no conversations). But some people (generally the few) can be quite hostile - regardless of having such signs on their doors. But we don't want to encourage hostility.

If a house has "no junk mail" - legally, a Gospel is not classed as a piece of junk mail (so it would not break any law to put one through the door). However, some may not be comfortable still posting a tract when there is a possibility that anything would be unwelcome. Perhaps if you really wish to give the tract to them, why not knock on the door and ask if they would like one? Or if you see the person - ask them if they would like one.

Some have signs that say "mail only" - I personally would be more inclined to put a tract through such a letterbox. But you might wish to apply the same as the "no junk mail" scenario.

On holidays or a long journey:

Staying in a hotel? - although they may not have a letterbox, there is always the gap under the door. Probably best where you know people do occupy the room, rather than putting them under every door.

A quote from Josh Williamson about a holiday:

"I believe God is completely sovereign; I truly believe that where we live, or even where we go on holidays is ordained by the Lord. I also believe that we are sent to different locations in order to spread the good news about Jesus; so this afternoon I decided to go door-to-door distributing gospel literature around the area where we are staying.

In just over an hour I was able to distribute 138 tracts, and I was also able to talk to a young man named Max. Max is a nominal Muslim from a Turkish background and has little knowledge of Christian truths. We chatted for about twenty minutes with Max asking some great questions; he was also very open to hearing about Jesus. Please pray for him and for all those homes which received literature. There are many Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists in this part of London."

It is good to be prepared for any response to literature (wherever they are posted)  - to point them, where possible, to a good local church that you are familiar with.

Take it one step further

"consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works" Hebrews 10:24

Don't forget to encourage other Christians to do this too! - Show them how easy it is, or share with them a story of how you have done this. Tell them they can request the tracts free through the detail on each tract. Point them to this article to show them how to use their letterbox for Christ, or to start placing tracts through letterboxes themselves. 

Speak with your pastor too to see if he might encourage folks in the work - the more people, the more letterboxes covered.

Remember to pray about this work, before, during and after the distribution, that you might be led where the Lord would have you go. That He might prepare hearts to read them and work in them and their household.

Often we receive requests for more tracts by Christians who are handed these themselves. So not only does it reach people who do not know the Lord, but it also reaches and encourages other Christians.

"....but other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold...." Matthew 13:8

Can you think of anything to add to this article? Contact us with your stories and ideas.

For His Glory,

- Nigel

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