In this article, we will attempt to provide you with everything you need to know about literature tables as part of fulfilling the great commission.

Perhaps you have never thought about having one of these at your Christian event. Or, perhaps you have seen one, but never really known how to get started in putting one together.
Firstly, I would like to point you to one of our other articles, to explain why having one of these tables makes a lot of sense. Click here to view our article: 5 reasons to use a free Christian literature table in outreach.
You could, simply take a table out and place literature on there and hope for the best. But unless people know why you are there, and what you are all about, why would they come to your table? How will they recognise you the next time you do it?
Did you know: we can send you up to 2kg free literature per month to help with your evangelism efforts? We also have a free scripture poster offer.
At the bottom of this article, you will find a step by step video guide of how to decorate a table. It also advises you of how best to prepare the table for all types of weather.
What should you put on such a table to carry out the great commission?
There are many things you could put on such a table.
Firstly, you need to brand all items: personal to your fellowship. If you purchase material, then place a sticker on all items. This is very useful when people want to get in touch.
We can design and quote for the printing of Christian labels. Click here to contact us for a quote.
If you want to produce booklets / newsletters, flyers and invites, we can help you with the design and print of these too. If you can, place photos of your meeting venue and a map where possible on printed literature.
We highly recommmend you take some form of information with you (relating to your fellowship) to present to anyone who is searching that comes to your table.
Here follows, a list of ideas of what you could include on the table (followed by a bispoke example used in our local city):
Church detail cards / event flyers
Full Bibles
New Testaments
Gospels of John
Introduction to Christianity (we have some of these sort of booklets for sale)
Answers to most asked questions
Foreign language items (depending upon what area you are in)
TIP: Don't stand next to the table, or preach near it. We find more people approach the table, when it is left alone.
You may not be able to see everything in the picture below, but please contact us for more details about what we have listed. In this specific photo example, we have from the top left,

a) New Testament
b) A business card that people can scan to view the Gospel in different languages (using the Living Waters Comic tract)
c) 10 biblical reasons Jesus is God by Simon Turpin
d) How to be free from the fear of death by Ray Comfort
e) "STOP - who do you think I am?"
f) Life is full of questions business card
g) (Second row) Why does God allow suffering?
h) Is it true? - evidence for the Bible.
i) The triune God - Simon Turpin.
k) A full Bible
l) Where did the races come from?
m) A new beginning
n) Scientific Facts in the Bible
o) Is it true?
p) It it true? The resurrection of Jesus
q) Is it true? Evidence for creation
r) Is it true? Who is Jesus?
s) Jesus and life's four great questions
t) Ultimate Questions - John Blanchard
u) Why all the suffering?
v) The unique Jesus
w) Grace For You - John McArthur
Here is a video guide to help you decorate a table for the great commission:
Do you have a story about using a table to reach out to people? Send us your photos of your table!