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Writer's pictureNigel Williams

In focus: Our "Illness / A Medicine Like No Other" printed Gospel tract

Updated: Dec 30, 2023

"It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes." Psalm 119:71

Why did we produce it?

This Gospel tract idea was developed on the back of someone who wanted their own tract designed and printed by us (they simply provided the words). Originally it was aimed at doctors and nurses.

After designing it for the customer and they had a large amount printed, it dawned on me that this would make a great tract that could be handed out to people who are ill. So the wording was changed and the design tweaked - resembling a medical advice leaflet. I felt it would fit right in with the many other flyers you see in a hospital, doctor or dental surgery. As you can see from the image, it certainly looks like it belongs in places you would find other National Health Service literature.

As I write this article, it comes a day after reading to my children a devotional testimony where illness caused an individual to seek the Lord (I love that I did not realise how useful it would be for this article until I started writing this!).

The individual in the testimony was a student in the United States. She was putting in all hours possible to pass some exams. So many in fact, that she became terribly sick. Later found having collapsed, she was taken to hospital for help.

Only when her young 10 year old sister comes to her bed side, does the student suddenly realise her sin (and need of a Saviour). She had turned away from the Lord and made her studies an idol. The turning point came when the student asked her sister to sing a song to comfort her. This was the hymn she sang (written by Charles Wesley 1707-1788):

Depth of Mercy! Can there be Mercy still reserved for me? Can my God His wrath forbear- Me, the chief of sinners, spare? I have long withstood His grace: long provoked Him to His face; would not hearken to His calls; grieved Him by a thousand falls. Now incline me to repent! Let me now my fall lament! Now my foul revolt deplore! Weep, believe, and sin no more. There for me the Savior stands, shows His wounds and spreads His hands: God is love! I know, I feel; Jesus weeps, but loves me still!

So in the Lord's kind mercy, God used this student's affliction so that she would then learn His statutes and turn to His way.

So it is with that, that the heart of this tract comes forth - that the reader might discover the riches of Christ within the troubles of a weak body that will at some point experience illness, or spend time with someone else who will.

Illness, in the same way as death, can humble a soul to seek that which is of eternal value. " It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart." Ecclesiastes 7:2.

Where could you use this tract?

This tract could be used in many places. But given that it is the largest tract we produce to date (It is an A4 folded in half), it would be good to think about how to look after them when carrying them around. Perhaps invest in a small document holder that you can place in a bag you carry around.

From the home, you could send a get well card to anyone you know is ill. Include the tract within.

On the streets or through letterboxes It would work this way (given how illness effects us all in our lives one way or another), but just bear in mind the size.

When visiting a medical facility This is the main thinking with this tract.

- Doctor's appointment? take them to hand out in the waiting room.

- Dental appointment? Do the same.

People have much time to kill in such places. Whatever reason they are visiting, illness is very likely to already be in their mind. So instead of letting them read the usual gossip magazine, or worse still, the watchtower! - hand them a copy of this tract.

- Visiting the hospital? Walk around the corridors and hand some out.

- Visiting the library? Head to the section about medicine and health conditions. Place a copy in a book for the reader to see when they take home.

Take it one step further

"consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works" Hebrews 10:24

Don't forget to encourage other Christians to use these too! - Show them how easy they are to use, or share with them a story of how you have used them. Tell them they can request them free through the detail on each tract. Point them to this article to show them how useful the tract is and where they could place them.

Speak with your pastor too to see if he might encourage folks in the work.

Remember to pray about them before and after, that you might be led where the Lord would have you go. That He might prepare hearts to read them and work in them and their household.

Can you think of anything to add to this article? Contact us with your stories and ideas.

For His Glory,

Did you know, with every Medicine Like no other Gospel flyer we send out,

it includes the offer of a free Holy Bible uk?

At Printing Evangelism, our greatest joy comes from spreading positivity through free Bible posters and Evangelism resources. We warmly invite those who are still on their journey to discover the transformative joy of becoming born-again Christians and are exploring life's profound questions. We encourage you to accept a Bible, as part of our sincere mission aligned with the great commission. Our goal is to make God’s Word effortlessly accessible for everyone who desires to embrace the uplifting Name of the Lord. Your journey matters, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

Click here to read our full article about why we offer a free Bible uk.If you are looking for a free Christian Bible, fill in the form on our page here:

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