Here are 5 places to display our free Bible verse posters

Display it in your window. Why do this? a) Think of how many people walk past your house each day that could read God's Word. b) It could start a conversation with your neighbours. c) It might inspire other Christians to do the same. Click here to request your free A3 poster from us.
2. Display it in your living room. Why do this? a) Some people might not want to talk about Christian things, but they might read the Words of life! b) It might start a conversation with your visitor. c) It is a blessing in any household as a memory verse. Click here if you have a Christian poster idea you would like to have designed and printed
3. At your church / fellowship building, Why do this?
a) Outside, it will speak to many people who pass by. b) Inside, it will encourage visitors to remember scripture. c) It can cause people to have conversations about eternal things. Did you know we also give away free Christian flyers? Click here to find out more
4. On your outreach table.
Why do this?
a) This will speak to the person who looks on your table. Even if they take nothing away, they will

have read eternal words. b) It can encourage a conversation about the words in the poster. c) It complements other items on your table for the person who visits. If you display it every time, they will become familiar with who you are and what you are there for.
5. On your car window.
Why do this? a) You will reach many people wherever you go. b) It can speak to your neighbours, even while you sleep in your home!
c) It might encourage other Christians to reach more people by doing this themselves.
Remember: pray for those who pass by the posters you display and for conversations from them.